Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Rosemary robbers

A text encounter shown to me:
-We are parked across from the rv w/painted trees and purple dragons on it.
-is this for real?
-Yes....we ARE in Sebastopol, so yes!

A young child in a coffee shop, pointing to a jar of unrefined sugar crystals:  "This is the bad kind of sugar.  This can kill you."

"I knew I'd been living here for a while," a reader relayed in an email, "when I saw a note on the board at school...'Whoever stole the essential oils in Room 4, we want them back!'  And I didn't blink.  Essential oil thieves?  What else is new??"

When Your Yoga Teacher who Lives in Santa Rosa Really Seems Like He is From Sebastopol
(jokingly) "Since there are only two of you tonight we will do an hour of partner yoga eye gazing."

At the Farmers' Market:
"Here are compostable spoons if you need one."
"No thank you.  I have compostable spoons in my car."

Post of the week (on April 20th, if that's not clear): SebastopolCwilbpartlcloudwitsmokehaztodayGootimtbouith

The ants go marching one by one, hurrah! hurrah!
The ants go marching one by one, the little one stops to thank the sun, and they all go marching down to the ground ...
The ants go marching two by two, hurrah! hurrah!
The ants go marching two by two, the little one stops to say I love you, and they all go marching down to the ground ....
The ants go marching three by three, hurrah! hurrah!
The ants go marching three by three, the little one stops to smile with glee, and they all go marching down to the ground ....
The ants go marching four by four, hurrah! hurrah!
The ants go marching four by four, the little one stops to wave at Thor, and they all go marching down to the ground ....

"Honey, we made it through Venus in retrograde."

"Mercury is so fucking in retrograde right now."

License plates:

Monday, April 10, 2017

Whole lotta retrograde

Me, explaining my blog to someone:  "Do you know what I mean by west county culture?"
Him:  "Yeah.  West county person, west county restaurant.  And there are west county hugs."
"Oh, you know about those?"
"The long hugs, the staring and breathing... it can end up being part massage."

A Whole Foods worker told me he overheard a woman disclose to someone, "I can't have anything with even a tiny bit of cacao.  It's like my gateway drug."

I found an email I sent to someone years ago when I hadn't lived in Sonoma County for very long.  I had spent the day at a pot luck BBQ in Sebastopol.
"I guess it was a BBQ, if you can call it that since everything was vegetarian.  There were five distinctly different kinds of veggie burgers.  And so much granola!!  Literally, I couldn't believe it.  All these different granola concoctions.  I've never been exposed to so many different kinds of seeds in a one setting.  Also they leave food out for hours at a time, and no one seems to care.  Refrigeration is not a big requirement here."

"For sure there is a Sebastopol bubble."
"Yes, I know.  Some people here are definitely in it."
"Some people are proud of it."
Me:  "Some people work hard at cultivating that bubble."

From a reader:
Me:  Did you see the Sebastopol blog that Nana posted?
Co-worker:  Yes!  I can't wait to read the rest!
Me:  Did you see the piece about the 8th graders at Waldorf wearing their adult onesies to school?
Co-worker (deadpan):  No... that must have happened at the lesser Waldorf.  Totally sounds like a Sun Ridge thing...

My sister and I were texting about the (nineties) song "Lightning Crashes."
Candra:  "YES. Totally know that video.  It's really rich with symbolism and cats!!  lol
And bald headed angels.
Not to be confused with bald headed eagles, as either could be a spirit guide."

A woman I don't know well told me I reveal a lot of personal things in my blog.
Trying to sound undefensive,  I say, "Really?  Like what?"
"That you shop a lot at Whole Foods and Community Market.  That you like to hike and you spend time with your niece."
Rather benign, I think to myself.  I'm relieved as I thought I was going to be called out on my Rebbl drink addiction.

I heard this at least three times in the past few days:  "There's a whole lot of retrograde going on right now."  (If you don't know what this is in reference to, just ask someone you are standing by at the grocery store or post office and chances are they will know something about it.)

License plates:
