Monday, December 18, 2017

Gravenstein ghetto

While in line at Whole Foods, a boy to his mother:
"Can we get candy canes?"
"Absolutely no candy canes."
"But mom, they're organic."

My sister replying to my complaint of a local restaurant that had raised its prices, again.  "I'm surprised some hipster restaurant hasn't added lemon or cucumber to water and started charging extra for water!"

More Sebastotexts:

  >All these shoppers! I can't find f-ing parking, not even for yoga!!

  >That sign is so tacky!!  Gravenstein doesn't need help to look more ghetto!

  >There are some good options today at the hot bar but I don't think you've heard of most of them.

  >You should be able to find us.  Just look for the people in yoga attire doing tai chi by the parking lot.

  >I forgot and put some sour cream in it. Added lots of spices to throw off the taste. 
  >Marge is not going to be happy about that.
  >Dessert got a little dairy in it.  So sue me.

A woman I took a class with emailed me.  "When I first moved here I'd never heard of quinoa.  I saw it at the deli and at a school pot luck for mothers and had no idea what it was.  Then someone made a grain dish with wheat berries and something called amaranth, I thought I'd landed on another planet.  Folks sprinkled things on top of pizza like pumpkin seeds and talked about papaya tablets to help digestion.  There was some culture shock.  Ten years later I go to a Thanksgiving pot luck, all vegetarian and mostly vegan.  I bring quinoa and bean salad with seaweed shavings on top I made while sipping Revive.  Yes I've lived here for a while.  West county changes you."

As I was paying for something at Community Market, a gentleman behind me informed the cashier,
"Yes, I'm back.  To get salad for dessert.  Way too healthy... don't tell my wife."

"They'll believe me.  They'll say, 'He teaches yoga - he wouldn't lie about anything.'"

A few years ago on Christmas Eve as I was walking up to Whole Body a woman exited, cheerily calling out, "Merry whatever!" 
Holiday wishes west county-style.

License plates:

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Rebbl with a cause

At a pot luck dinner:  "Paleo/vegan/wheat-free diets!  I can't keep track of all of them!"

"I accidentally ended up at the tree lighting ceremony.  But I was really trying to go to yoga."

"I don't know how I managed to pull this off... but I'm dressed like a conservative hippie."

A Facebook lamentation about being outside of Sonoma County on a trip: 
"I miss my lemon-scented candles.  I miss organic salads.  And tasty produce and non-chemical soap and talking to people about good enzymes.  I know I sound like a Whole Foods commercial right now."

I was complaining to a friend over dinner about a waiter at a local restaurant.  She replied, "Was he the Sebastopol type who stares at you blankly and doesn't really listen or take your order, and then goes off and doesn't come back for a long time?"

On a trail I was behind two women discussing local dancing.  One was explaining the difference between ecstatic dance, Sweat Your Prayers and Soul Motion.  And the different ecstatic dance tribes and what to expect at each.  I didn't hear which group she was referring to, but at one point she cautioned, "And you don't want to end up there.  A bunch of old people jumping around."

"Sebastopol:  where someone will complain about how much popcorn costs but pay $9 for a loaf of bread."

In honor of holiday shopping, vintage blog moment:
At a crystal store the owner showed me some jewelry pieces.  One had seven colors, each corresponding to a chakra.  As she was explaining it to me, I asked what she said to people who don't know about chakras.  "Well, if they are gay then I say, 'Gay pride!'  If they aren't gay and don't know what chakras are, then I just say, 'Look, it's a pretty rainbow.'"

Bumper sticker of the week:
Back off,
I'm a goddess!

License plates:

Shout out to Rebbl who is donating 25 cents per drink sold in northern California through mid-December toward assistance to fire victims.  (Always nice when my addiction can also help others.)