Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lazy Sunday afternoons

I have an early work schedule five days a week and consequently I am usually wiped out on Friday night.  And recuperating on Saturday.  Sunday is often the only day of the week I am relaxed.  We have been having beautiful autumnal weather this year and I set out to do some errands however it just wasn't happening.  It was too nice a day and I was not in a productive mode.  But at the minimum I had to grocery shop and I pulled into the parking lot of Whole Foods.  Between two Priuses.  I didn't notice this until I was getting something out of my trunk and a woman walked up behind me.  "So glad to see a car other than a Prius.  I thought maybe that was a prerequisite for driving here."

I wandered around the store for a bit but was jarred out of my haze when a group of children semi-circled me as I was filling my water bottles.  They were singing something to the tune of "Everybody Dance Now."  I thought it was "Everybody clap now..."  But as they repeated it I realized they were singing "Everybody chant now!"  I looked up and down the aisle to see a mom or dad, curious as to the origin of this young mob.  But no adults were around.  It was just a group of Lost Boys and Girls swarming around me.  After staring at me for a minute they moved on to the frozen section, their enthusiasm escalating as they peered into the coconut ice cream section.  Still exclaiming, "Everybody chant now!"

For some reason half of Sebastopol was in Whole Foods at this time and I ended up having to wait in a slow line.  The couple in front of me was discussing Kombucha.  For nearly ten minutes.  This is not an exaggeration.  Not the process or how it is made - just simply the drink itself.  Flavors, brands, memories.  
I have never heard anyone talk so long about Kombucha.  (Actually, I'm not sure I've ever heard anyone talk so long about a beverage.)  On my way out I ran into a friend and because it was such a lovely day we sat outside soaking up the late afternoon sun.  The most memorable part of our conversation came from him, when I was telling him about a matchmaking possibility.  He replied jokingly, "You would have to find out what her spirit animal is."

Guest contributor:
My friend Gina was visiting from out-of-state, sitting in the plaza with her friend.  They were on the steps of the corner of the gazebo that faces the movie theater, right by a tree with really thick foliage.  They had been sitting there for about 20 minutes, eating dinner and talking, when suddenly a long-haired hippie kid fell out of the tree, got up and just walked away like nothing had happened.  They had no idea he was even there as the leaves in the tree were so thick.  Her friend noted, without skipping a beat, "That's where all the kids of Sebastopol come from!"

Favorite line of the week:
"I'm an accountant.  I really don't know what chakras are."

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