I feel compelled to explain that my life does not consist of one Sebastopol encounter after another. I've had several individuals remark recently that I have a lot of quirky things happening to me all the time. One asked if she could follow me around. I can assure you, many days/afternoons/weekends of mine are quite mundane. Nothing seemingly out of the ordinary will happen for a week, and I only blog about a twenty minute humorous encounter. The remaining 6 days and 23+ hours of my week are un-earth-shattering. (If I were to write about my everyday life, the blog would need to be renamed Sebastoboring...)
I was at the teen center searching for a flier for a Celtic performance I was certain I had seen a few days earlier. Unable to find it I was standing by a table perplexed, trying to remember where else I had seen one. There were a few children waiting for a class to start. One came up to me and asked if I knew where their teacher was. I told her that I was sorry, I did not. What class were they here for?
"Yoga for kids."
Yes, I should have guessed. They were all in children's versions of yoga attire.
I noticed she had a lunchbox with a Hindu god on it. "Do you know who that is?"
She looked at it and replied, "An Indian lady."
A boy a bit taller with the same color hair came up behind me. "That is Shiva. It's a Shiva lunchbox."
"That does look like Shiva," I noted. "Do you know anything about him?"
"It's a her."
Actually Shiva is a him, but I could see from the depiction how he could be under that impression. "Did you know one thing about Shiva, is that he is considered the god of yoga?"
They both looked at the lunchbox. After a moment the boy said, "What I really wanted was a Shrek lunchbox."
"So you like the movie Shrek?"
"Who is your favorite character?"
"Puss in Boots." His sister nodded in agreement.
They placed the lunchbox on the table, and the container depicting the yogi dragon slaying god produced some mango fruit rolls.
"So, I take it you would rather have a Puss in Boots lunchbox than a Shiva lunchbox?" I queried.
"Yeah, but my mom got this for us. She said if we could find a Shrek lunchbox at Whole Foods we could buy it," he explained. "But we couldn't find one. So we ended up with this one."
Favorite line of the week:
"I am trying to find a lunar calendar. This is Sebastopol. It shouldn't be that hard."
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