Friday, February 28, 2014

Destiny and yoga partners await

Infusions.  Late afternoon.  I am enjoying some lime ginger tea and waiting for a call from my mechanic.  I have forgotten my book and am skimming a local magazine which is not holding my attention.  Since I am truly not that interested in over-priced wine tours.
The woman to the right of me is looking through a card deck.  She shuffles the cards several times, sighing dramatically.  She does this loudly.  (In case you are wondering if she was shuffling loudly or sighing loudly, the answer would be both.)  Several times it appeared she was going to draw a card, but then she would exhale sounding rather exasperated.
My curiosity eventually won out.  I asked her a question about the deck.
She showed it me.  "I was at a yoga class," her story began.  (Of course.)  "This guy who I've seen before but never spoken to until today asked me for my number.  I am drawing a card to see if I should go out with him."
Her telling me this seemed to diffuse the sighing.  She showed me a few cards from the deck; it was one I was familiar with.  The cards range from positive to flaming positive.
She drew the card Blessings.  "That is a pretty positive card," she observed.
"Well, if you want to shake things up a bit you could draw a card from a deck that is a bit more diverse," I interjected.  I was half-joking.  But she looked at me and thought for a few seconds, and then reached into her large purple bag.  Another deck came out.
"That's a good point."  She showed me the new deck and noted that there were cards that were positive, some that weren't necessarily favorable and some neutral ones.  She was, indeed, going out on a bit more of a limb this time.
"Are you interested in this guy?" I asked.
She stared at the cards before her.  "I'm not sure.  But I want to see what the cards say."
Another card was chosen, and this one had optimistic sentiment.  She did not quite seem convinced, though.  Asking for her tea to go, she told me she was going to have to go home and research how Cancers and Aquarians get along.
So drawing a card was only the first act.  Astrologically favorable or not was part two.  And then there was another phase, that had something to do with a gong.
Evidently the gentleman from the yoga class was waiting for her reply.  After her research was done she was supposed to let him know via email whether he could have her phone number.  
"Does he know you are drawing cards and figuring out your astrological compatibility?"
"Yes.  I told him that."
"And he was okay with all this?"
She nodded.  "Oh, yes.  He said to go draw a card."
Well, then.  A match made in heaven.  Or at least in west county.

Favorite Facebook comments of the week:

L:   ...there could be an entire blog dedicated to the kids of Sebastopol.

D:   Absolutely!  And their sense of "fashion!"

L:   Yes!  Jim has named it "Sebastopolian dynamite!"

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