"I'm not going to yoga to be happy! If I wanted to be happy, I would go somewhere and order a glass of wine."
At Global Village:
"We could get them these religious prayer flags, yes. They could go with the three thousand other prayer flags they already have all over their property."
"It's not hard to find yerba mate in Sebastopol. You can get it at the gas station."
(I did not know this, but it is in fact true.)
"Where are you from initially?"
"Born and raised in Grass Valley. But I have spent a lot of time in Sebastopol."
"So you are one of those Sebastopol/Grass Valley dual citizenship folks."
Woman shopper, to a store owner: "The feng shui in this space isn't promoting flow."
Her friend: "Not everyone knows about feng shui."
Same woman, to a small group standing next to them: "Do you know what feng shui is?"
Several of them nod. To her friend, "I think the types of people who live around here know about feng shui." After a moment. "And the feng shui in here is kind of atrocious."
"I know what I am going to do this summer! I am going to create a cat tarot deck!"
Favorite business card of the week:
Chocolate Troubadour
Favorite license plate:
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