Friday, October 24, 2014

Foragers, joyagers

One dude standing between Slice of Life and Whole Foods to another dude:  "Don't go foraging for food around here.  You are just going to come back with sprouted nuts and kale."

Someone who read my blog entry a while back about customers getting confused with the recycling/compost/trash bins at Whole Foods emailed to let me know that there is a new wood structure that holds all three bins in front of the store now, but none of them are marked.  "It is hilarious to watch people walk up and just stand there and stare at unmarked bins.  I noticed a few people just walk away with whatever they had, or just put things on the ground.  One woman put some trash in her purse rather than put it in the wrong container."

Mother to her son in a cart at Whole Foods on a Sunday (during Farmer's Market):
"Oh come on, now.  We are just going to go across the street.  It will be fun.  We can count how many men with dreads we see."

Milk and Honey customer, picking up a bumper sticker that read What would Kali do?  "She would poke your eyes out and lick your brains, that is probably what she would do," he informed me.
A few moments later, a female customer eyeing the bumper sticker asked, "Who the hell is Kali?"

A friend and I were in the walkway between the library parking lot and Main Street, and she pointed to "Planetary healing through cookies" (under the Sebastopol Cookie Company window).  She remarked, "Why does everything in Sebastopol have to be about global healing?  Even cookies!"

At a small store on Main Street:
Cashier, after trying to ring something up several times:  "I don't know why this isn't working."
Customer:  "Maybe we should not have been making fun of the eclipse."
Person in line behind them:  "That will do it."

I have been asked by more than one person if I am making these license plates up.  The answer is no, although I noticed them very peripherally before starting this blog.  This week they have been popping up all over the place:

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