Monday, March 30, 2015

West county highs

Favorite comment from the last blog (regarding Sebastopol landlords):
"I love the ads that say no pets, alcohol, illegal drugs or cigarette smoking.  Horses OK.  4/20 friendly.  Good, because my horses love to get high."

I was speaking to an acquaintance visiting for the weekend who was shopping for her nephew's graduation.  She liked the downtown shops but hadn't been able to find anything for him.  She looked around and sighed, "The divine feminine has kind of taken over this town, hasn't it?"

A month or so ago there was a woman stalker at Hop Monk who was asked to leave and ended up "peeling out" of Sebastopol (in a Prius) with a cop chasing her, resulting in an accident.  There were some funny comments on the webpage for the Press Democrat article:
"Don't bars usually have bouncers to throw out unwanted guests, you had to call the police to have this lady thrown out?"
"It's Sebastopol. They don't have bouncers they have people that ask you nicely to leave and offer patchouli oil as a parting gift. Haha"
"They offer patchouli oil and a zen buddhist mantra."

My friend and I met recently at a cafĂ© for dinner.  She was laughing at the Himalayan salt on the table, observing:  "I know in Sebastopol this is really normal.  In other places people would be like, what the hell is this pink salt?"

Some more "west county" names from a first grade classroom in Sebastopol:  Quest, Juniper, Sequoia, Kairan, Kovanni, Mystic, Orion, Aurora, Jenner and Iris.  (I remember someone telling me, "In other parts of the country somebody is named Iris or Rose after their grandmother.  Around here it is after the flowers.")  I also heard from someone who grew up in this area that when she was younger, she had neighbors who named their twins Daydream and Deja Vu.

Quintessential Sebastopol bumper sticker:
This is what a goddess looks like 

Latest license plate sightings:
{hand}2 BODHI

In full disclosure, I was not quite in Sebastopol, more like Sebasto-Rosa.  But a car owner after my own heart:

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