Friday, May 13, 2016

Even an oil change can be spiritual

An acquaintance frequents Hard Core cafe.  She said there is a local customer who complains regularly.  His most recent rant has been about "hoarding hippies."  Neighbors he has who pride themselves in being unconventional meanwhile having homes and garages and shacks "full of crap they don't need and won't give away to Good Will.  Or at the very least have a garage sale. But having a garage sale is too mainstream for them."  

A while back my friend and her daughter were at Slice of Life.  "I had to run over to Whole Foods to grab something and saw a man dressed as a lobster eating at a table in front of the store.  I went back to Slice of Life and said to my daughter:  'There's a guy dressed as a lobster eating in front of Whole Foods' and she responded completely straight-faced: 'Of course there is.'"

A friend told me, "You were right!  Sebastopolites are not adjusting well to the the changes at Whole Foods.  One woman in line told me she can't deal with all the new colors.  A cashier told me people have been peeved they can no longer walk in the exit doors."  (I would be one of those people.)
I was speaking with someone who works there about the changes and that Whole Foods was overdue for some upgrades.  I noted, "The store is finally coming out of the nineties."  To which he replied:  "Let's be honest, it was more like the seventies."

From our Milk and Honey local informant:  "You have me listening to random snippets of conversation now.  Today's gem at the farmer's market -  'Who in their right mind would say no to organic kale?'"

I was leaving Whole Foods one evening when I heard somebody telling the person they were sitting next to they had to leave for a massage appointment.  I was too busy envying the massage but a guy sitting behind him observed:  "Someone is always leaving for a massage or acupuncture or an astrology appointment.  Why doesn't anyone ever have to leave to get their oil changed?  Or go buy light bulbs?"  
Second guy, after a moment:  "What an astrologer should do is set up a table where people get their oil changed. Then they could do both."

A friend of mine was leaving Community Market and heard someone say to whoever was with him:  "I can't go to this family thing without some kava kava first."

My sister when we were driving near Aubergine:
"Look, even the pizza delivery cars in Sebastopol are Priuses!"

I was at a mainstream (for Sebastopol) dining place and noticed they served kombucha and Revive. I commented on this to the dude behind the counter who muttered, "Well, you gotta keep the locals happy."

Favorite t-shirt:

Favorite bumper sticker:
"Don't believe everything you read on an organic cookie label"

License plates:

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