Saturday, September 17, 2016

Another day, another goat

From a reader:  "Leaving work at 7:45.... at the main intersection of Sebastopol downtown when I realize the dude on the corner was wearing a longish gown thing (a-la Jesus) that was tie-dyed, has scraggly Jesus hair and the thing on a leash I thought was a dog..... IT WAS A RAM WITH HUGE CURVED HORNS!  Such a Sebastopol experience."
A day or two later I was in Whole Foods and the cashier mentioned, "Have you seen the dude walking around with a goat?"  And I responded I heard about it via a blog reader but hadn't actually seen it.  She then described the guy to me, and as it turned out.... two completely different stories.

At a grocery store (and actually not Whole Foods or Community Market).
The cashier recaps: "Things have been very intense!  The new moon, mercury going retrograde, then the eclipse and full moon... We are rockin' and rollin'!"

"Well, in Sebastopol people dress pretty casual.  So you may have pajamas on but no one would notice.  They would think you're wearing gardening or yoga pants."

Guy flags down another guy backing out his truck in the parking lot at Papas and Pollo.  "Hey, bro... there is Kombucha on the top of your car, man!"

I normally don't randomly start talking to someone I don't know, unless it is connected to doing this blog.  I was in the library parking lot walking behind a guy wearing big bulky, flowery pants.  I said to him, "Based on the pants you are wearing, I think you would like my blog."
He looked at me, a little confused, maybe thinking I write a clothing blog.  Finally he asked what it is about.
"It's a humorous blog about Sebastopol culture," I explained.
"Oh, what's it called?  I probably would like it."

(Thank you to Emily for the fodder alert.)
Facebook post:  "Sebastopol's feng shui is jacked."  (Referring to the construction on 12 and the new CVS building going up, both creating a lot more traffic than usual.)
 comment:  "It's not really Sebastopol's fault. It was just a small apple farmer's town and then all the PEOPLE happened."
 comment:  "No it's mercury retrograde - it'll be over soon!"
  reply:  "Has Mercury been in retrograde for 10 years?"☺
  (and my favorite) reply:  "A debate about whether issues in Sebastopol are caused by bad feng shui or mercury in retrograde is the most Sebastopol thing ever."

Bumper sticker of the week:
I Break for Butterflies

License plates:


  1. I just love your blog. Although I am not a resident of Sebastopol, I feel as though I am due to the amount of time I have spent there visiting my family over the past 10 years or so. Love the people and community and feel right at home. But then, I'm from Portland, Oregon....our motto is "Keep Portland Weird" I will look forward to your next installment.

    1. Thank you for reading. Portland is very nice, and some similar cultural aspects. :) Someone told me I should do a tv show, Sebastopolia.

  2. I have lived here for the past fourteen years...
    This cooky crazy town with every single loveable aspect and character is what makes us who we are.
    We are Sebtown. And yes, I am a (cigarette smoking) Reiki Master, I eat gluten, and I am dying of laughter from your posts!!!
