Monday, October 23, 2017

Goddess selection

You know you are in west county when someone describes the glow of the fires as orange "like a Himalayan salt lamp."

A friend lives in an area which had a voluntary evacuation and she left for nearly a week with her son.  On the way to Sebastopol she was telling him about the family they were going to stay with.  He was quiet and finally she asked what was bothering him, wondering if he was worried about their house or how long he would be out of school.
"If it's the family I think it is, they aren't going to let us eat any McDonald's or junk food, are they?"

A co-worker, stressed about talking to some people on the phone:  "Ahhhh, these people are going to make me inhale eucalyptus oil!"

As I was leaving Whole Foods, a mom siting on a bench telling her son:  "I really don't appreciate having tempeh thrown at me."

On a thread for mothers:  "My daughter wants to be a YOGA MUMMY for Halloween.  I have no idea why.  Suggestions??"

Code phrase for purchasing alcohol in Sebastopol:  I need to make tinctures.

Two women on a bench at the Farmers Market.  They are conversing about the music.  One remarks, "There must be a schedule of it somewhere."
"I don't know.  That might be way too organized for Sebastopol."

My young niece and I were looking for a parking space on a crowded weekend morning.  I tell her, "We need to ask the parking goddess to help us!  Who should we ask?"  Having spent the first four years of her life at Milk & Honey she is no stranger to the goddess.  She chose Lakshmi.  So we implore her to help us find parking.  After another five minutes of driving around, I slow down thinking someone is leaving but it turns out they were not. 
"Well, this isn't working!" I observe absently.
She says matter-of-factly, "Um, why don't we try Kwan Yin?"
(Right after her suggestion a space opens up.)

License plates:

~Slice of Life is offering free meals to evacuees and those affected by the fire~
If you are an evacuee or a first responder please come in for a free meal or you can pay whatever you are able to. We put two thousand dollars on a gift card for those affected. The gift card is at the register for anyone to use no questions asked. If you want to donate you can add money to the gift card. If your not in the area and you want to donate meals/add money to the card over the phone please call between 11-12 or 3-5 to do so. Our community is in our hearts. ðŸ’œ -Keith & Chloe

Many thanks to the firefighters, first responders, shelter volunteers and all those who donated time, money or services to help those affected by and fighting the fires!   

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