Thursday, February 16, 2017

Natural stimulants

Me:  "There is more chocolate than normal right now because of Valentine's day.  Chocolate is a big thing in west county!" 
My sister:  "Well, apparently.  There are ceremonies about it."

Discussing HailMerry chocolate tarts: 
"I am a good source for addictive vegan chocolate."

A woman and I in line at Whole Foods noticed we both had the same Rebbl chocolate drink.  She explained she just got out of a yoga class and needed something to jack her up a bit so she could get some things done.  "If I don't have one of these after yoga I go home and I'm just a blob."  She also likes to drink them when she does the treadmill.
(And I've written many a blog post after a Rebbl mocha nightcap.)

A worker at Starbucks disclosed that one morning she walked up to work listening to a guy delivering a diatribe to his friend regarding the "Support Organic Farms" bumper sticker on a truck.  "How can someone with this sticker be coming to Starbucks?!"  He listed multiple reasons why this was not okay.
His friend:  "Maybe they aren't here for Starbucks.  Maybe they are going to the physical therapy place or the Kefiry." 
Pause.  "That could be true."

From one of my community moles:
"I will shop at CVS.  Already have.  Probably have my hood up so I don't get tarred and feathered by the progressives.  I'd hate to get run out of town by people who haven't lived here as long as I have."

On a t-shirt: 
"got radiance?"

Chatting with someone at Milk and Honey, he told me a visitor of his roommate's asked where a mall was.  He directed her to The Barlow.  "No, a real mall," she emphasized.
"I was like, 'Honey, you're in Sebastopol.  We don't have a McDonald's, a Chili's or even a Trader Joe's.  The closest you'll get to a mall is standing in line for the bathroom at Whole Foods during farmers market."

"If I hear one more person who drives a nice Prius tell me they're broke I'm going to lose it."

I did want to clarify from my previous post that the "Minds of Serial Killers" was not a joke.  It has come up on the side of my Sebastoblog Facebook page several times as "People who like Sebastoblog also like..." 
(I'm not saying I understand it.  Explanations welcome.)

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