Wednesday, April 13, 2016

West county market celebrity status

From my community mole:
"Last night some dreadlocked dad told his acting up dreadlocked son to 'be respectful'!"  It is not often one sees multi-generational dreadlocked dudes. 

A woman I was talking to at Ives Park told me she's in a play group and one day the toddlers were playing a game where everyone would have to do what one of the kids would yell.  "It was like, 'everybody run!  Everybody fall down!  Everybody clap!'  One little boy shouted, 'Everybody meditate!'  And three or four kids dropped to the ground, cross-legged and everything!  They were taking it so seriously they didn't even notice how loud all the moms were suddenly laughing!" 

This shopper I briefly chatted with told me one of her renters watches games at the Community Market bar. "Where else could he go watch a basketball game and drink a bunch of Kombucha?" she mused.  "It's his happy place."

When Ken M. shares my posts, he always has good Sebasto-comments to go along with them:
 From our friend the Blog Lady, here's your latest update from Sebastopol, CA...
  - where beauty is in the third eye of the beholder.
  - goddesses' country.
  - where the streets are lined with yoga mats.
  - the Biggest Little Yoga Studio in the world.
  - where everyone wears the yoga pants in the family.
  - where sage advice means how to smudge your home, office, and car interior.  And gym locker.  And tote bag.  And post office box.
 - where your karma runs over your dogma with your Yogi at the wheel.
(I personally have smudged a lot of things, but would like to go on record as to never having smudged my post office box.)

In response to the name of the last post ("I'll have white wine and a Snickers"), my neighbor Daniela noted:  "I bet you could get both at the Rialto!"
(Of course I would be more apt to get white wine with their [non-organic] popcorn.)

A few people have noticed I got customer of the month at Community Market.  One friend told me, "See, you are famous!"  People say this sometimes to me regarding the blog, and I tell them, "Yeah, Sebastopol Whole Foods famous."  Now I can say, "Whole Foods/Community Market famous."
From another comrade:  "So the Sebastoblogger got customer of the month at Community Market?  These things are so political..."

License plates:
(not to be confused with NLITEN UP, LI-10 UP or LITEN UP)