Thursday, June 28, 2018

Unapologetic vibe

"We are helping people connect with their soul.  So we can charge more for that."

"It's a new moon, full moon, waning moon, super moon.  Always something major!  Throw in an eclipse or a planet going retrograde.  You can't hide from astrology around here."

ISO/take:  does anyone in Sebastopol have a faceted crystal sphere they don't need?  Trying to feng shui my son's room.

My friend overheard at the library:  "Well, I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable.  But there is a difference between throwing food on a pile and composting!"

t the Barlow:  "I don't have time to explain chakras to you."

West county Facebook post of the week:
[In a hair salon] "Conversation at the shampoo station...
The woman next to me is talking with her hairdresser. Her hairdresser remarks how her hair is so thick. Woman responds: 'My spirit animal is an otter' and proceeds to tell various interesting facts about otters and their dense fur.
I turn to her and say, 'I like how you know your spirit animal!'
Her hairdresser, an energetic young man, adds, 'I think mine must be a Jack Russell.'
I love Sonoma County."

A woman conveyed to me she likes the focus on healthy living in Sebastopol.  “Of course some people take it too far.  They can be rather judgmental.  I remember my daughter being told at school that her homemade brownies were unhealthy because they had sugar in them.  When she told me I thought, ‘Well, of course they have sugar!  They’re brownies!’”

“There’s kind of an underground new age vibe in a lot of places.  You just have to find the right alternative bookstore and you’ll see a bulletin board like the one here at Whole Foods.  You know, with names of massage therapists and healers and workshops about breath work or fermenting your own food.  But what is unique about Sebastopol is that it is right out in the open.  You don’t have to search for it.  It’s right in your face.  Nobody is apologizing about it.
And you don’t have to believe in reiki, but if you want a reiki session it’s sure not hard to find.”

"As a West Country Tantric Priestess who uses biodegradable lube produced compassionately from the gland secretions of free-range, grass-fed bovines, who has made the ethical choice to let my dollars speak as my vote by purchasing compostable sex toys hand-crafted by local artisans out of organic potatoes, I am only interested in sustainable orgasms."
~Facebook post/Shannon Elsom

Sebastoblog has a sister column in Sonoma West Times