Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Practical New Year's wishes

Favorite comment from the previous blog (regarding Sebastopol women's "look"):
"We were just browsing in Funk & Flash last night.  I love 'Peter Pan pirates' so much more than 'Tribal.'  If I wore those clothes I would have to be six inches taller and 40 lbs. skinnier and learn how to care for wearable feathers."

While I was waiting for someone an event let out and people were streaming past me, wishing each other happy new years.  Two of the well-wishers stopped near me, talking about January goals.  They gave each other a hug and one said, "Happy new year's!  Blessings for a healthy, healing, light-filled new year!"
To which her friend replied, "I need a job!"
First woman:  "Blessings for an abundant, healthy, healing new year!"
Second woman:  "I want to get a job.  I need prosperity!  I need a financially sound new year!"
A mini-discussion about the difference between abundance and prosperity ensued.
And as my sister and I drove up to Community Market in the late evening on New Year's eve, I was glad to see the car we parked next to had a banner on the back:  I AM THANKFUL.

From a worker in a health food store:  In the supplements section a woman talking to his co-worker remarked, "Sebastopolians buy and ingest a lot of supplements.  People around here must have very expensive pee."

In my yoga class a woman made the comment, talking about another restorative yoga class:  "That one was too restorative for me.  It was just doing shavasana with different props, for like an hour-and-a-half."

When I was walking to my car parked in the plaza, I heard a young woman saying to her friend:
"I totally judged him.  Because of his hipster beard.  I admit it."

License plates, the tale continues:

Someone accused me of reusing the same license plates, so I looked back on some older blogs to make sure this wasn't the case.  I did come across:
LI-10 UP
... so I could see the similarities.


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