Sunday, June 26, 2016

Evacuate in a zen-like manner...

A man talking to several people outside of Community Market:  "All roads lead to Sebastopol..."

I sometimes run into people I have quoted in my blog but have never met before.  One woman I was introduced to recently told me she was quite sure it had been her that said, "I don't go to yoga to relax.  If I wanted to relax I would have a glass of red wine."
"That certainly sounded like something I would say!" she informed me.  "I read it to my husband who thought the same thing.  But I can add to that.  One of my friends goes to a yoga class every week, and then goes home and is so relaxed she never wants to talk to anyone in her family and goes into a room and hides.  If anyone tries to talk to her, she sends them away.  Finally one of her kids said, 'Mom, why are you so impolite after yoga?'  So she told me she realized as relaxing as yoga is, she still has to go home and be nice to her kids."

Milk and Honey regular leaving the store:  "Happy Solstice, everyone!"
Milk and Honey shopper:  "Everyone is into solstice around here."
Milk and Honey worker:  "Oh, you have no idea."

In a small group of people the subject of this blog came up.  Someone I don't know well said to me, "You are Miss Sebastopol?"
Me:  "Not really."

Him:  "Well, you write the Sebastopol blog."
Me:  "Half the people that read it think I am making fun of Sebastopol."  (Which actually is not my intention.)
Him:  "I think you are Miss Sebastopol to a lot of people." 
(Me internally:  ???)
Him:  "You write about many things Sebastopol."
Me:  "That nickname doesn't really resonate with me, but I'd at least prefer Ms. Sebastopol." 
I was visiting a family I used to babysit for, getting introduced to a new member who was not yet born when I was around years ago.  He is a quiet five year old who has been at a kindergarten in a very "west county" non-mainstream school.  He is attending summer school and his mother was telling me how much he enjoys it.  When she went to the bathroom he picked up some chimes and came up to me, noisily clashing them together.  Over and over again.  His mom came back in the room.  "He's been doing that all week.  They practiced for fire drills at school.  He likes those chimes but he doesn't usually do that so loud," she explained.
He did it for me again.
After a moment I speculated, "Do you think they used actual chimes when they were doing the drills?"
His mother burst out laughing.  "I thought he was imitating an alarm.  But at this school...  I didn't think to ask but it very well could have been fire drills with chimes."

Status update forwarded to me which made me laugh:
"Watched an NBA finals game at a packed bar in Los Angeles. Lots of people having a great time drinking and watching sports. Watching the next game at a packed little bar at a market in Sebastopol. Almost no one is drinking (ok, one person is drinking Kombucha), and I am pretty sure it's packed because almost no one in Sebastopol has TV."

License plates:
JEDI 007

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